Title: 2010 Symposium on Early Childhood Caries in American Indian and Alaska Native Children
Country: Kind:
Author(s): Year:
Volume: Cou ncil on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations
Publisher: American Dental Association Location: chicago
URL: [link]

Day 1 included scientific presentations by distinguished caries researchers who were selected by the Symposium planning group. The presentations began with a broad perspective in the keynote address, “Caries in the primary dentition: A spectrum disease of multifactorial etiology.” Subsequent presentations were grouped into the topical areas considered most important by the Symposium planning group, including microbiology, epidemiology, enamel hypoplasia, caries research in AI/AN children and new intervention products. The morning of Day 2, participants divided into small workgroups to discuss each of the major topical areas. The afternoon of Day 2, the workgroups reported to the larger group on conclusions and recommendations for each topic. Summary workgroup reports are found at the end of these proceedings.

Reference (Biomedical Style):
Podschun G. 2010 Symposium on Early Childhood Caries in American Indian and Alaska Native Children. chicago: American Dental Association; 2011.