Early childhood caries in American Indian children defies traditional preventive approaches to infection LINK
Symposium on Early Childhood Caries in American Indian and Alaska Native Children Panel Report (ADA 2009) PDF
The Indian Health Service (IHS) Early Childhood Caries (ECC) Initiative LINK
Child Oral Health Resources for Primary Care Providers LINK
Archival Links
Introducing the Indian Health Service Early Childhood Caries Initiative, February 2010 PDF
American Academy of Pediatrics Oral Health Initiative Program LINK
By entering “Native American children and oral health” in the search area you can access numerous articles & resources on that subject.
Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General (2000, pp.76,77,90) PDF (namely pages 76, 77 & 90)
An Oral Health Survey of American Indian and Alaska Native Dental Patients: Findings, Regional Differences and National Comparisons (1999, (pp.15-39) PDF
Northwest Tribal Dental Support Centre Report for 2008 PDF
Toddler Overweight and Tooth Decay Prevention Study (TOTS) LINK
Children’s Dental Health Project Fact Sheet – Native American Child Oral Health (February 2005) PDF
Minnesota Dental Association website has a variety of resources online called “Sip all day, get decay” LINK
Preventing baby bottle tooth decay: eight-year results. Article by Bruerd and Jones LINK
Preventing baby bottle tooth decay in American Indian and Alaska native communities: a model for planning. Article by Bruerd, Kinney and Bothwell LINK
Confronting oral health disparities among American Indian/Alaska Native children: the pediatric oral health therapist. Article by Nash & Nagel LINK
Biotech and biomaterials research to reduce the caries epidemic. Article by Slayton, Bryers & Milgrom LINK